Errors will prevent you from publishing your dialogues to guarantee your bot will not run into faulty flows. Not all errors are straightforward to solve right away. In this article, we are collecting what these error messages mean and how to solve them:
Infinite bot message loop
You will see the ‘This message is leading into an infinite bot message loop’ if there are no visitor message blocks between linked bot messages and conditional blocks. To solve this problem, make sure you include a visitor message in the loop if you are linking back from a bot reply to an earlier block in the dialogue.
Repeating valueless operators
‘Conditions repeat a valueless operator’ means that some of the conditions in your Conditional logic are repeating, and one of them should be removed.
Mixed condition types
When you see ‘Conditions contain mixed types.’ you need to make sure multiple conditions cannot be true at the same time. All your conditions should be mutually exclusive.